Auckland District Health Board have specific requirements and standardised materials and equipment preferences that are selected for reliability and resilience. This project was for the Auckland City Hospital…
Mouvex replaces Lobe Pumps in Ice Cream Factory
An ice-cream factory required a replacement for old lobe pumps, that were pumping raspberry ripple into ice-cream. Pump & Valve supplied them with a Mouvex SLS1 Eccentric disc pump, mounted on a SS trolley.
Civil Case Study: Auranga Stage 1 Wastewater Pumpstation
This pumpstation was manufactured & assembled by our company and is capable of pumping the wastewater from a new large residential development in Drury (South Auckland), as well as taking the pumped flow from Drury South.
Chiller Pumpsets for Auckland DHB
Our client was contracted to upgrade Chiller Pumps for Auckland DHB. Duty was 109L/sec at 4.96 bar per pump set, in a duty/standby configuration.
Mouvex A-Series Eccentric Disc Pumpsets
A customer approached us asking for a pumping solution that could replace some older existing progressive cavity pumps that were pumping an oily water mix out of two sumps into an oil interceptor.