Pump & Valve Specialties worked with Southern Land on this project, which will ultimately service 480 residential lots and a 3.5ha township.
Site: Lake Hawea Development
Pump & Valve Specialties Ltd recently delivered this FRP Pump Station and Underground Storage Tanks to site to cater for the sewerage discharge from the new Longview – Lake Hawea Development.
Longview is a master planned community several years in the planning.
Incorporating 480 residential lots, a 3.5Ha township service centre and two recreation reserves it is the future of living in the Lakes District.
Pump & Valve Specialties were involved from the initial stages of the design working with Southern Land to design, manufacture, supply and Commissioning of this FRP Pump Station Solution, which will ultimately service 480 residential lots and a 3.5 Ha Township.
View more on our Pumpstation page: Municipal Packaged Pump Stations
The heavy-duty FRP Pump Station is 3.5m in diameter, 6.4 metres deep and 2 x 3.0m x 21m long FRP Storage Tanks totalling 330000L capacity. This Pump Station was delivered to site completely fitted out with pump auto couplings, 150mm internal S/S discharge pipework and valves, McBerns LVFP Lids, Automatic Well washer and 225mm diameter inlet stub with Knife gate Valve pre-installed into the Chamber which makes installation and connection a simple and quick process.
Once the contractors have completed this installation our team will test and commission the Pump Station including switchgear and telemetry which is designed to the QLDC Standards.
Please reach out to New Zealand Leading Pump Station provider for your next project.
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