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  3. Pumping Hot Leachate From A Reactor

Pump & Valve were asked to look at an application pumping hot leachate out of a reactor. The application was challenging as the leachate was hot (80°C plus) and as the leachate was from a landfill the chemical composition changed by the month, by the week and by the day! The existing peristaltic pumps were failing as the rubber hoses could not cope with the wide range of chemicals that they came into contact with and the 80°C temperature didn’t help either. Hoses were failing between 1 week and 6 months.

Pump & Valve were asked to look at an application pumping hot leachate from a major landfill site out of a reactor. The application was challenging as the leachate was hot (80°C plus) and as the leachate was from a landfill the chemical composition changed by the month, week, day and hour! The existing peristaltic pumps were failing as the rubber hoses could not cope with the wide variation in chemicals that they came into contact with and the 80°C temperature didn’t help either. Hoses were failing between 1 week and 6 months.
